Crystal Murphy Music COVID Protocols
With 2 small kiddos and a new business, we are doing everything we can to make sure we stay healthy while creating a clean environment for you to have the best experience and stay healthy, too!
Clean, sanitized instruments
We only use instruments for 1 class per day. That means that the instruments you use in class have been sanitized and clean for 24 hours. You’re also welcome to bring your own!
We plan classes by age and touch-sensitive areas
Our most high-touch area is our…FLOOR! We dust and mop our floors EVERY morning! No, really! Our classes are planned accordingly: babies first, then toddlers, then our big kids. Rest assured, little crawlers get first dibs.
Small class size, over 500 FT of dance space
We pledge to keep our class and event sizes small so your family has room to spread out and enjoy class.
Don’t feel well? Please stay home!
Ms. Crystal offers a free makeup class during the same season when you need to stay home to feel your best :)
Access to hand washing and sanitizer stations
We have 2 sanitizer stations placed low enough that kids can reach them. We also have stools in our bathrooms so kiddos can wash their hands with soap and water.
Masking strongly encouraged
We have extras in case you forget one! We’ve got you :)
Rigorous cleaning routine and wipe-downs in-between
We treat our Music Center as our home. When participants enter our doors, we want a positive experience. That starts with a cheerful greeting and a CLEAN environment. We keep a structured, extensive cleaning checklist performed every morning with wipe-downs of high-touch areas throughout the day.
If an instructor doesn’t feel well…
They will stay home! We will either have a qualified guest instructor teach the class or we will reschedule. A negative COVID test must be provided for an instructor to return. Always check your email for up-to-date information.